DMI single sign-on
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Password :

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  New user application
Please fill in the form below. Your data will be treated confidentially. Requests for Issue Crawler accounts require approval by the Foundation. If you provide minimal information, you may receive a request for further detail. Account activation is sent to you by email.
Desired username (5 character minimum):
First Name:
Last Name:
Usage type:
Institute URL:
Organization URL:
Artist website/page URL:
Institutional email address:
Organizational email address:
Departmental email address:
Email address:
Application details

Requests for Issue Crawler / DMI accounts require approval by the Foundation. Please fill in the fields above.

The intended audience for the Issue Crawler and DMI tools is advocates, activists, academics, artists, researchers and journalists in both new and old media senses. Personal use is also very welcome.

Users receive three emails: a log-in details message, an approval message, and a separate welcome message from the Foundation, providing further information about the software and announcements.

Should the user exceed ten crawls, the user will receive an email suggesting a subscription, and providing details.

Subscribing users receive support in the form of answers to email queries sent to

See also terms of use.

Privacy notice: stores username, first and last name, and email address for the purposes of contacting users, under the terms of use policy. It does not provide user lists to third parties. The Issue Crawler archive is neither searchable by username, nor by first and last name. Apart from the front page, the Issue Crawler is not indexed by search engines. is a non-profit foundation, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.